Key Management
GnuPG uses a keyring to manage public and private keys. Getting familiar with some basic tasks is the first step in upping your PGP game.
Working With Public Keys
You need to share your public key with your colleagues before they can encrypt data to you. You can do so by publishing your key to a key server, or exporting and sending it directly to them.
You can list your current public keys with the following command:
$ gpg --list-keys
pub 4096R/4758CCAF 2016-01-01 [expires: 2020-01-01]
uid [ultimate] John Doe <[email protected]>
sub 4096R/BFD256FF 2015-10-21 [expires: 2020-01-01]
Note the key id of the key you want and export it a file:
$ gpg --armor --export 4758CCAF >
Now distribute
so others can encrypt messages to you.